Everything About Palatal Orthodontic Expanders
So you’ve been to your dentist or orthodontist and they told you that you need a palatal expander.
Not to be afraid, we will explain everything you need to know about palatal expanders from what an orthodontic expander does to how long it takes for expansion to appear.
What Do Orthodontic Palatal Expanders Do?
Orthodontic expanders are used for a large number of reasons. Most of the reasons are for functional purposes that we cannot see but a few are for aesthetic reasons. We mainly use orthodontic palatal expanders
Expander orthodontics is used for so many reasons! To begin, the first reason is 1) expand the upper jaw to allow all the teeth to fit into the upper jaw arch (the maxilla).
Expanding the upper jaw with expander orthodontics allows children younger than 12 years old to gain more space for teeth that still need to erupt into the mouth. IF THERE IS NO SPACE THEN THE TEETH WILL BE IMPACTED OR COME OUT IN THE WRONG AREAS…
This is why expansion is so important! It allows adult teeth to come out with no space issues.
It is a lot easier to close spaces that are open than to create space in the mouth.
The second reason 2) to use an orthodontic palatal expander is:
It allows the maxilla (upper jaw) to expand to Its normal size. This is especially useful in children who are not growing correctly and have small, narrow jaws. Often if the lower jaw is small and not developed correctly, we will expand the upper jaw and the lower jaw will follow the growth of the upper jaw.
Once the upper jaw expands it will allow proper breathing through the nose since the upper jaw is connected to the nasal area. By using an orthodontic palatal expander the nasal area allows better airflow.
Once the upper jaw has been expanded with expander orthodontics then children can sleep properly without interruption, allow better airflow to the lungs for sports and allow better brain function due to proper air exchange in the lungs.
The third reason 3) to use a orthodontic palatal expander is:
Once the upper jaw is expanded with expander orthodontics it allows the nose to bring air in properly. Breathing through the nose allows Nitrous Oxide to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs a lot better than when breathing through the mouth.
This is why breathing through the nose is so very important and nasal breathing has such a big impact on children’s growth and development.
How To Adjust An Orthodontic Expander?
Orthodontic palatal expanders can come in various shapes and forms.
Some are fixed onto your teeth and others are removable type of expanders. This all depends on what your dentist or orthodontist sees as best for you and your case.
So how do you adjust an orthodontic expander?
First, you should listen to what your dentist or orthodontist wants from you. If they want slower expansion they will get you to adjust it only a few times per week.
Most orthodontic palatal expanders will require you to adjust it in the morning and in the evening by using an orthodontic expander key.
You can adjust the orthodontic palatal expander by placing the orthodontic expander key into the keyhole and turn in direction of the arrow. There should be some pressure felt.
With time expansion will happen and this will lead to an expanded upper jaw.
But what if your orthodontic palatal expander doesn’t have a keyhole?
This just means that your palatal expander is likely a self-expander and expands only to a certain point on its own and will not require self-adjustment. These orthodontic palatal expanders are often fixed into place and cannot be removed.
How Long Should You Use an Orthodontic Palatal Expander?
Orthodontic palatal expanders can be used for a wide variety of times from a minimum of 1 month and usually a maximum of 3 months in most cases but this really depends on what your dentist or orthodontist wants to achieve.
They will let you know when you have to stop using your orthodontic palatal expander. Therefore it is very important to go for follow-up appointments to check the progress of the palatal expanders.
Foods To Avoid With Orthodontic Expanders:
Very hard foods should be avoided when wearing orthodontic palatal expanders.
The hard foods can break the expander, chip the expanders, damage the appliance, and bend the wires in the wrong direction.
Here is a list of foods that should be avoided with Orthodontic palatal expanders:
Meats with hard bones
Dry cereals and dry pasta
Dry hard breads
Hard candy
Whole apples
In Conclusion:
Orthodontic palatal expanders are really great ways for young children to become health again not only with oral health but with normal health and growth as well.
Looking for a dentist to do interceptive orthodontics on your children in Durban South Africa?
Look no further than Dr Gray Dentistry! Dr Gray has done numerous orthodontic courses over the years, and has a post-graduate in orthodontics and interceptive orthodontics. He believes in holistic dentistry by allowing normal growth and development in orthodontics by catching problems early and addressing them early before they become a disaster later on.