How Soon Can You Get Braces After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Getting wisdom teeth removed can be done before or after braces depending on each case and scenario.

Some cases wisdom teeth need to be removed after braces are done due to their developing positions in the jaws but in other cases they need to be removed to make room to move teeth backwards in the arch to help relieve dental crowding and align arches better.

But many ask the question but can I get braces after wisdom teeth removal?

If your orthodontist or dentist tells you to remove your wisdom tooth before getting dental braces then it is for good reason.

It is likely to make space to move the rest of the teeth around but in general wisdom teeth are removed commonly these days due to their lack of spaces in the jaws.

How Soon Can You Get Braces After Getting Wisdom Teeth Removed?

This depends on a variety of things. Braces cannot be placed if someone is in pain and swollen after wisdom teeth removal therefore the phase of pain and swelling must be gone before getting braces placed.

This usually takes around 5 to 7 days after getting wisdom teeth removed.

Once all the pain and swelling has calmed down, braces can be placed on the teeth and tooth movement can be started.

Some orthodontists and dentists believe that teeth actually move faster when moving into recently extraction tooth spaces allowing teeth to move faster than if the areas were fully healed with bone.

Disclaimer: You will need to chat to your dentist or orthodontist after wisdom tooth surgery to get their opinion on when they think applying braces is right for you as this depends differently on case to case. This is general educational information.

Can I Get Braces After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After wisdom teeth have been removed it is possible to get dental braces. It is sometimes considered better to remove the wisdom teeth especially in older people before they get braces but it depends on your orthodontist or dentist’s plan for you.

Need Orthodontic Treatment Done?

Dr Gray has done extra postgraduate training when it comes to dental braces and can solve all of your dental issues and works with his amazing team to offer the best treatment and results!

Visit our practice at 33 Claribel Road, Windermere, Durban, South Africa for your first consultation and we will give you a treatment and payment plan for your braces!


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